Monday, October 18, 2004

Politics 8: I will NOT...just kidding?

Both Bush and Kerry have made some emphatic "I will not" promises in the last week or so. But are they telling the truth, or is it just wishful thinking?

Bush has said that he will NOT bring back the draft, that we will remain an all-volunteer army. Now that's kind of a tough thing to guarantee. We don't know what might come up in the world in the next four years. We may need a draft to properly protect this country! However, the numbers seem to be very comfortable right now, and we are not currently having a shortage. Besides, as the Iraqis learn to govern themselves, American troop numbers will start to diminish there. And it's only a matter of time before we get bin Laden, and troops can start coming home from there, too.

So even if something else bad happens, we'll have more than enough volunteer military. CHANCE OF KEEPING PROMISE: GOOD TO VERY GOOD

Kerry has said that he will NOT raise taxes on the middle class. I'm trying to be unbiased here, but I really don't see how Senator Kerry is going to do that. In his speeches, he's been saying a whole load of Zeus about all the ways he's going to fix every problem in America, whether it's health care, or social security, or education, etc, etc. Now, I want to know, how is going to do all that AND not raise taxes? The government's not exactly rolling in dough right now.

Most likely, Kerry is just trying to paint a perfect idealistic picture that is incredibly and impossibly unrealisitic. CHANCE OF KEEPING PROMISE: POOR TO NIL

I'm gonna start keeping score now. Bush 1, Kerry 0.

Edmond the Hun

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