Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Current Events 2 - A Memorial For What???

A British Columbian group was going to make a memorial to the draft dodgers who fled to Canada to avoid the draft. The good new is they met with so much opposition, especially from American vets, that they backed off. The bad news is now I don't get to rant about it. Well, not quite as much.

They've merely "changed" the memorial to be about "peace and refuge monument for all groups that have come to Canada and sought assistance." Huh? And the difference is...? That's just a re-wording of the original draft dodgers plan. I hope they get opposition for this one too. Why should there be anything that even attempts at honoring the cowards who ran away because they didn't have enough guts or pride to die for their country? This is outrageous!

(Source: http://www.cbc.ca)

Edmond the Hun

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