Monday, October 25, 2004

It's An Oddball World 2: Random Burglar

Beverly Mitchell went to Greece for a couple weeks. She came back, and the light in her house was on. 54-year-old Beverly Valentine had broken into the house and was living in it. She had ripped up the carpet, replaced Mitchell's pictures with her own, and even begun wearing her clothes. She had also moved in a washer and dryer and her dog.

Valentine said she was renting the home, but then admitted that she had broken in with a shovel. She is now on a $20,000 bond and could face up to 20 years in jail.

Chief Sheriff’s Deputy Stan Copeland said, “In 28 years, I’ve never seen something this strange."


(Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch 10/23/04;

Edmond the Hun

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, did this lady's neighbors just not question the comings and goings of a perfect stranger?! I wonder if the Ms Mitchell had waited long enough if the other Beverly would have done a comeplete home makeover for her ~ presuming she shared her "boarder's" tastes. And what's w/ bringing her own washer and dryer?!!! Old ladies shouldn't be moving that heavy stuff around.

What kind of dog did she have? :D -sanguine