Thursday, October 28, 2004

New Hardee's Commericial

I love the new Hardee's commercial...all the politicians talking about how big they are. And of course, John Kerry is way off, what's new? I get the background music stuck in my head, too. And it certainly beats the previous advertisement. Kudos for Hardee's for being funny, non-partisan, non-crude all at once!

And, by the way, I've had one of those Western Bacon Cheeseburgers, and they are awesome!They got some funny-looking stuff on them that I still don't know what they are, but they didn't taste too bad, so I ate them. Good stuff!

Edmond the Hun

My Anti-Endorsement for John Kerry

(Or, Why Kerry's Not Good Enough to Be the President)

OK, so all these close-minded papers are endorsing Kerry for President, so here goes my Anti-Endorsement.

Why Kerry's Unqualified:

1. He thinks the President is an all-powerful king. First, listen to all the things he blames Bush for. He blames Bush for the flu vaccine shortage. He blames Bush for the fact that Afghanistan produces 75% of the world's opium. How does Bush control that? He also blamed Bush for letting some weapons go missing to terrorists in Iraq. Actually, those weapons went missing before the war. Besides, I thought Iraq wasn't a terrorist threat anyway, according to other things Kerry says. He blames Bush for not passing a good energy bill. Actually, Kerry's the one in Congress who should be voting on these energy bills, and he's missed so many senate votes that it's more his fault than Bush's.

Second, listen to all the things he promises about education, social security, healthcare, etc, etc, but he still plans to cut the budget in half?

He seems to think that the President is in control of everything in the world, from the flu to opium in Afghanistan, and that the President has unlimited money supplies as well. Does a man with such misunderstanding deserve the White House?

2. He will say and do anything to please everyone. This one bugs me more than the first one. Back in spring, he told some auto people in Detroit about all the big SUVs his family owns, just to impress them. Then later he talked to some environmentalists, and when they asked him about the Detroit deal, he said, "Oh, I don't own them, my famliy owns them," just to impress them. Kerry talks about supporting the troops in Iraq, but he voted against a big war bill back when he was still vying for position within his own party. Bush and Cheney both brought it up in debates, accusing him and Edwards of voting that way only because Howard Dean was making progress on a big anti-war campaign, and they had to copy him or lose support. I thought those accusations were a little stretched, but in the debates neither Kerry nor Edwards defended themselves. Is it true, then?

Kerry has repeatedly voted against guns, voting to ban them and things. But he had to impress the gun people, so he bought a camo jacket, and got some pictures taken of him going goose-hunting, just to impress them. The gun he was carrying was a gun he had voted to ban! Kerry supports marriage between a man and a woman (to impress those people), but not as a constitutional amendment, and he wants gay people to have the same rights married people has (to impress those people).

Time after time, on issue after issue, Kerry does whatever he thinks will get him the most support at the time. And the sad thing is, it's working. These aren't exaggerated opinions here! I haven't even mentioned the controversial Swift Boat Vets, which probably have some truth to them anyways. I'm just using cold hard facts...things Kerry has said and done!

I'm not a die-hard radical conservative who just wants to bash Kerry. I'm not overly impressed with Bush. I'm really not. But compared to this guy who doesn't understand the limits of the presidential office, who will say and do anything to try to please everyone and get elected... John Kerry has no integrity.

Bush, on the other hand, has experience, first as a governor, and now four years as President. Kerry has never served in a top position role like a governor or president. He's just been a senator---and he's hardly there to vote for anything anyway! Bush made some mistakes in Iraq, but things are getting better, and it's only a matter of time before we find bin Laden in Afghanistan, too.

Vote for Bush.

Edmond the Hun

Sports: For the Superstitious

Between 1918 and 2004, it was nice for the Red Sox to be able to blame their winless woes on the "Cures of the Bambino," when they traded Babe Ruth to the Yankees. However, when it looked like the curse might be broken, they had to come up with some new theories to keep the superstition alive. Take your pick:

#1: The curse had nothing to do with Babe Ruth. After the Red Sox won the World Series in 1918, some of the players held out for more money. After all, they were World Series champs, so they thought they deserved more. The Red Sox didn't give in, though, and they even withheld their W.S. rings. Just before the latest season started, however, the Red Sox searched out those guys and gave them their rings back. And now look what happened.

#2: After the Red Sox went down 3-0 against the Yankees, the mayor of Boston had had enough. There was an old house of Babe Ruth's that still existed, but it wasn't in great shape. So the mayor ordered it to be torn down and demolished. By noon, the place was cleared out. The Red Sox have not lost a game since.

These anecdotes are both second-hand, but my sources believed them to be the sure truth.

Is there any credibility to either of these stories? Possibly. I wouldn't put it past God to let amusing things like this happen, and I wouldn't put it past demons to do things to promote beliefs in curses and whatnot. But I'm more prone to think they're just coincedences. For one thing, these stories haven't come out or weren't promoted until AFTER the Red Sox started winning big (and one or both of them may be exaggerated or hearsay). If the Yanks or Cards had beaten them, we probably never would have heard either of these stories, and they would have just blamed the good 'ol original curse. See? No matter what happens, they'll find a way to make something spooky out of it. It's unfalsifiable. Ah well, let them have their fun.

Edmond the Hun

Monday, October 25, 2004

It's An Oddball World 3: Rock Paper Scissors

There is no more need for arguing about the proper way to play America's favorite pastime. Baseball? Football? Curling? No.... Rock, Paper, Scissors.

"The Official Rock Paper Scissors Strategy Guide" by Douglas and Graham Walker explains it all... photos of proper executions of movements, how to intimidate your opponents, feints, tournament etiquette, and much more! 208 pages of expert strategies and tips!

Only $9.95. Get yours today!

(Yes, this is real)

Edmond the Hun

It's An Oddball World 2: Random Burglar

Beverly Mitchell went to Greece for a couple weeks. She came back, and the light in her house was on. 54-year-old Beverly Valentine had broken into the house and was living in it. She had ripped up the carpet, replaced Mitchell's pictures with her own, and even begun wearing her clothes. She had also moved in a washer and dryer and her dog.

Valentine said she was renting the home, but then admitted that she had broken in with a shovel. She is now on a $20,000 bond and could face up to 20 years in jail.

Chief Sheriff’s Deputy Stan Copeland said, “In 28 years, I’ve never seen something this strange."


(Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch 10/23/04;

Edmond the Hun

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Sports: Red vs. Red

The Cardinals silenced any talks of a Presidential World Series with a resounding 5-2 win over Roger Clemens and the Astros in Game 7 of the NLCS last night.

In Game 1 of the World Series, they scored nine runs, loaded the bases more than once, and the Red Sox had four errors.

They still lost.

Currently in Game 2, as I write this, they're down 6-1. I hope they can do better at home.

Edmond the Hun

Friday, October 22, 2004

Politics: Kerry's Amazing Gun Strategy!!!!!

Gun rights groups don't like Kerry because he has a voting record against gun rights, banning things and supporting gun control and all that. Uh-oh, Kerry, you need to do something to get their votes. I know! First, talk about how much you like to hunt. Second, go buy a camouflage jacket. Third, get the media to take pictures of you in your camo holding a gun going on a goose hunt. Brilliant!! People of America, please, please tell me you're not stupid enough to fall for this...

Who's the real goose here?

(Sources: St. Louis Post-Dispatch 10/22/04)

Edmond the Hun

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Politics: Ingenious Cheaters Update

After three days of monitoring the Vote Pair statistics for the Kerry-Nader trader cheaters, they appear to be getting about 70-75 new pairs per day, which sounds like a lot, but only about 10 pairs for Florida per day, which means they'll be about 500 pairs by the time the election comes around. That's enough votes to possibly change the outcome of that state. All the rest, though, two hundred or less is too small a number to (hopefully) make much difference.

Edmond the Hun

Sports: The Unprecedented Red Sox

In the first round of the playoffs (in which you must win three games), the Red Sox swept their first oppenent and won in three games. In the second round (in which you must win four games) against the Yankees, the Red Sox quickly found themselves down 3-0. No team in the history of major league baseball had ever, EVER, come back to win a best-of-seven series after being down 3-0. Not only were they down 3-0, the last two games would be in New York.

And then it began. They won the last two games in Boston, now only down 3-2. They went back to New York. A crucial infraction by A-Rod in the eighth helped the Red Sox win yet again. Now they had tied it. Even that had never happened before---tying it after being down 3-0---much less winning.

In Game 7, they stomped all over the Yankees. 10-3. They didn't even need the grand slam in the second. And they made history. No team in baseball had ever won a series after being down 3-0. No team in basketball has ever done it, either. And it has only been done twice in the NHL (which might not exist anymore, but that's another story).

And the Red Sox are in the World Series. If the Cards win tonight, the Sox will have to face a formidable lineup and not-so-formidable pitching. If Roger Clemens wins tonight, then it will be a Presidential World Series, Texas vs. Massachusetts.

Bring it on.

Edmond the Hun

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Hello Tuesday

Well, there's not much new to talk about. Kerry is still blaming Bush for the vaccine shortage. Just like Kerry blames Bush for the Iraq war, Kerry blames Bush for Afghanistan's opium production, Kerry blames Bush for everything wrong in America even though the president is not the king. What's next, "Kerry blames Bush for bad weather"? I wouldn't be surprised...

Those Astros are being mighty feisty. The Cards will have to win both games at home to get to the World Series. As for the Yankess and Red Sox, no team has ever come back from a 3-0 deficit, but the Red Sox have pulled it to 3-2 and they're hungry, but they'll have to win both of the remaining games in New York to make it.

Wouldn't it be funny, though, if the underdogs pulled it out and it was Houston vs. Boston? Especially because the World Series is like a week before the elections, and Bush is from Texas, and Kerry is from Massachusetts? Interesting.

Edmond the Hun

Monday, October 18, 2004

Politics 8: I will NOT...just kidding?

Both Bush and Kerry have made some emphatic "I will not" promises in the last week or so. But are they telling the truth, or is it just wishful thinking?

Bush has said that he will NOT bring back the draft, that we will remain an all-volunteer army. Now that's kind of a tough thing to guarantee. We don't know what might come up in the world in the next four years. We may need a draft to properly protect this country! However, the numbers seem to be very comfortable right now, and we are not currently having a shortage. Besides, as the Iraqis learn to govern themselves, American troop numbers will start to diminish there. And it's only a matter of time before we get bin Laden, and troops can start coming home from there, too.

So even if something else bad happens, we'll have more than enough volunteer military. CHANCE OF KEEPING PROMISE: GOOD TO VERY GOOD

Kerry has said that he will NOT raise taxes on the middle class. I'm trying to be unbiased here, but I really don't see how Senator Kerry is going to do that. In his speeches, he's been saying a whole load of Zeus about all the ways he's going to fix every problem in America, whether it's health care, or social security, or education, etc, etc. Now, I want to know, how is going to do all that AND not raise taxes? The government's not exactly rolling in dough right now.

Most likely, Kerry is just trying to paint a perfect idealistic picture that is incredibly and impossibly unrealisitic. CHANCE OF KEEPING PROMISE: POOR TO NIL

I'm gonna start keeping score now. Bush 1, Kerry 0.

Edmond the Hun

Politics 7: Ingenious Cheaters

Our electoral college system is really odd and unique, and some people are exploiting its finer details. Some people in swing states (states that are up for grabs) want to vote for Nader, but they know that if too many people do, it'll take away votes from Kerry (because Nader is kinda liberal) and Bush will win the state. But they still want Nader to get a numerical vote. So here's what's happening. With, Nader fans in swing states are finding Kerry fans in solid states (where someone is pretty much guaranteed to win), and swapping votes.

This means Nader still gets the same amount of votes as before, but Kerry gets more votes in a state where he needs them. This is a direct attempt to exploit the electoral college system!! On the one hand, it's ingenious, but it's also cheating!! Because the system is not popular majority, these people are trying to move Kerry votes around to help him win the most states! This is diabolical! And it's completely legal!!

All you Republicans out there in swing states need to sign up and say you'll vote for Kerry if they'll vote for Nader, and then still vote for Bush. That way, Kerry loses votes in his solid states and still doesn't get them in the swing states. They only have 1005 pairs so far, and less than 100 in most states. But Florida's got 230 Nader-fan Kerry votes, and if that grows, it could change the outcome, since Bush only won Florida last time by a few hundred.

I never understood why we use the electoral college system. My history teacher says there's good reasons, and I'm really glad Gore didn't become president off the popular vote in 2000, but the whole thing is so illogical! And it's finally being exploited.

Edmond the Hun

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Guys Who Won't Win 1: Michael Strauss

(From Mike's Party)

Well, I was going to do some random specials on random candidates running for President. I thought Mike Strauss, running from Mike's party, sounded like a good goofball to do a special on. The only problem is, I can't find any information on him, except that his home city is Newburyport, Massachusetts, and he also ran in 2000.

Other than that, this guy keeps a low profile. I'm not sure how he made it on the list, since he doesn't even appear to be trying.

What a bummer! I was hoping to make fun of him. Next I'll pick the guy from the United Fascist party---Jackson Kirk Grimes (And he actually has a website). Maybe he's one of those real crazy guys who actually thinks he has good things to offer.

Edmond the Hun

Hero Time: Vika Kallogova

This month's hero, well, actually, last month's hero, is Vika Kallogova, a Russian 13-year-old who was involved in the terrorist attack on the school in Beslan, when militants arrived and set siege to the school from Sept. 1-3

Vika was among a group of about 30 who managed to hide and get away, but she realized she didn't know where her 8-year-old sister Olya was. So she went back in with the rest of the hostages and stayed with her sister for three days until Russian security forces swept in and ousted the terrorists.

To add to the drama: While hiding amidst the gunfire between bad guys and good guys, Vika pulled shrapnel from her own foot and her sister's arm. Quite a brave little girl.

Terrorists are at work all over the region of the Caucasus mountains in southern Russia, and things to don't look to be getting more stable any time soon. Let's hope and pray that the Russian security forces can prevent another hundred children dying in another school siege. But we all know that terrorists don't care at all about killing civilians.


Edmond the Hun

Friday, October 15, 2004

More on Relient K

It has been suggested and requested that I expand beyond politics, and especially, talk more about Relient K. Well, I am mixing it up. I've got some news on Narnia and the Cardinals.

As for Relient K...there's not a whole lot of new stuff until MMHMM comes out November 2. has another song, totalling 3, but my connection is so slow that I could only listen to it in intermittent segments of about five seconds each, so I can't really tell you how good it was.

MMHMM releases in 18 days.
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe releases in 420 days.

Edmond the Hun

Narnia Movie

"The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe" is being made into a movie. It's being done by Disney, but don't worry, it's not really being done by Disney, and supposedly the Christian symbolism is not supposed to be lost. I'll be reporting on this periodically as new info comes out.

The movie set to release in Christmas 2005. For the latest updates and information, go to That site carries all the info and news on the movie prodcution since it began. I also just found, but I haven't looked at it too much yet.

By the way, if you've never heard of it, "The Lion..." is the first book in the Chronicles of Narnia series by C. S. Lewis. Very good. I've read the whole series four or five times. Can't wait for the movie.

Edmond the Hun

Go Cards!

In the second round of the baseball playoffs, the Cardinals pulled off another victory to put the Astros down 2-0. The Astros were the only team that won more games against the Cards than the Cards won against them, but that statistic isn't helping them any.

Last night in St. Louis, the Cards were shut out for four innings, down 3-0. Then started the fifth inning. With two outs, Walker hit a 2-run homer. Then Pujols got on base, and Scott Rolen, who had been experiencing a post-season slump (only 1 hit so far), hit another 2-run homer. Later, in the eighth inning, he hit another home run. The Cards won 6-4.

They face a formidable Roger Clemens in Houston tomorrow night, where potentially the next three games will be played. Cards will be starting Jeff Suppan, who is 11-1 on the road. Two more wins and the Cardinals go to the World Series, most likely to face the Yankess, who are also up 2-0 against the Red Sox.

Edmond the Hun

Thursday, October 14, 2004

I'm Still Alive, and More Politics

It's been a week since I last updated. Don't worry, I haven't died. I've just been busy.

I missed the last two Presidential debates, so I don't have a lot to comment on. Except that I laughed when I read that Kerry said, "I have been completely consistent about Iraq" in the second debate, because even the liberal media has been consenting that he's been inconsistent.

I also thought it was comical what I read in the paper yesterday. Kerry was criticizing Bush and he said that another session of Congress ended without a good energy bill being passed. And this is the President's fault? If anything, he's incriminating himself---he's the one in Congress! (In fact, this website: says that Bush proposed an energy bill that failed to pass by two votes. Can you name two senators who didn't show up to vote? Yep, our buddies Kerry and Edwards) I don't think Kerry has a proper understanding of what the President's position is.

Just another reason why he shouldn't be President.

I found a neat website,, that keeps track, update daily, of who's projected to win each state, and, likewise, the most electoral votes. Can't say how accurate it is, but it's based on mulitple polls, and it's interesting if nothing else.

I'll be back

Edmond the Hun

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Polirics 6 - VP Debate Analysis

This is long but stay with me. Especially if you support Kerry and Edwards.

Both candidates were good speakers. Republican fans didn't have to worry about a hesitant and stuttering President Bush coming up against a renowned debater in John Kerry. I was actually very impressed with Dick Cheney's performance. He always seemed like this quiet, old, fat guy, but he's really brilliant! He stayed calm and collected the entire time, acting very professional and "in control." John Edwards also did a fine job, but he often came across as arrogant and whiny.

There was some deja vu, as both candidates repeated key phrases from the first presidential debate Thursday, especially in the opening moments. But for the most part this debate stood apart as its own entity. Gwyn Ifill, the moderator, asked John Edwards some very good questions. In fact, she seemed like a biased Republican. She asked things like, "You've said you'll do this and this and" or "You did this, but then you did the opposite. Can you explain?" etc, etc.

I've come to realize that when a candidate has a bad spot and he knows it but obviously doesn't want to admit it, there are two ways to get around it. One is to cleverly avoid the question by subtly changing the subject. For example, when asked if Saddam would still be in power had Kerry and Edwards been in office... Edwards hardly even mentioned Saddam! He just went on and on about how there was no link, no link at all, we need to get bin Laden, there was no link! Why? Because he knew that Saddam really would still be in power because they wouldn't have gone to war. But of course he couldn't tell the American people that---they'd lose lots of votes.
Again, when asked about gay marriage, Edwards evaded and flip-flopped himself dizzy in an attempt to please everybody. I got a kick out of his response! Marriage is only between a man and a woman, he says, but they oppose a constutional amendment for it, and they want to give gay people all the rights that married people get, oh, but marriage is only between a man and a woman! That marriage phrase means nothing---they're obviously pro-gay. But so many people ardently believe in that marriage phrase that they have to stick it in there, or else lose lots of votes.

The second way for a candidate to avoid exposing his bad spot is to find that bad spot, or pretend to find that bad spot, in the other candidate. Edwards, what about Kerry's really bad and inconsistent record? Well, uh, Cheney's got a bad record! Edwards, how are you and Kerry gonna get more allies? Well, uh, they didn't get very many allies! Edwards, what about your bad voting record, and not voting 75% of the time? Well, uh, Cheney was one of only 10 people to vote for this. (So, at least he voted!) Edwards, what about your tax loophole? Well, uh, Cheney's got a tax loophole too!

To be fair, Cheney did some blame-shifting himself, and some of Edwards' attacks are or may be true for Cheney too. But when you compare the two, Edwards looks a lot worse. And when a candidate doesn't defend himself against a bad spot, but merely tries to get you to ignore it, what else can that mean but that those bad spots are true? Not looking good for Edwards.
Edwards also tried to make a big deal out of all these things him and Kerry were gonna do to make the world a perfect place. They're gonna do this, and pass this bill, and give money for this, and this, and that. Oh, yeah, and we're gonna cut the deficit in half, too! Huh?

After Cheny said, we try to attack the terrorists before they attack us, that's why we went to Iraq... then Edwards said, Saddam didn't attack us, and went on the old "no link" theme again. Is Edwards implying that we're going to wait until terrorists attack us before we attack them? Is that what he means by all this anti-Iraq war talk? Surely not.

Dick Cheney seemed to have a lot more facts than Edwards, and this lended more credibility to his side. Edwards had facts too, but overall, Cheney blew him away. He seemed to have some convincing pro-Bush and/or anti-Kerry statistics for just about every one of his comments. He did a great job defending the war and the president's positions, and he did a superb job attacking Kerry's and Edwards's inconsistencies.

After Edwards said, "Kerry has been completely consistent about the war," Cheney said, "I can think of a lot of words to describe Kerry's position on the war, and consistent is not one of them." He then listed half of dozen or more quotes and votes by Kerry over the years, half of them saying one thing and half saying the other. He said K and E only voted against one particular war bill because at that time Howard Dean was up in the Democratic polls running on an anti-war strategy, and they had to appear anti-war too to stay in the running. Sound far-fetched? Edwards didn't defend it at all. Is it true, then, that K and E will say and do whatever's necessary to please enough people to win the election? Surely not.

Cheney has a lot more experience than Edwards, who has only been a senator for one term. Cheney knows what he's doing. Edwards is an inexperienced blaming whiner who wants to broadcast every existing problem in Iraq and Afghanistan as if it's the president's fault. So what if Afghanistan produces 75% of the world's opium? As if the President caused that? We've taken out 75% of Al-quida (however you spell that) too!

Both sides have issues and unanswered questions. Neither Bush nor Cheney have contradicted what K and E said about us letting the Afghan military try to get bin Laden when we had him cornered instead of doing it ourselves. It looks like there's some money issues with Haliburton, too. But compared to K and E!! They have been inconsistent about the war, about gay marriage---blame-shifting and evading questions, implying that many accusations are true, and saying and doing whatever it takes so Kerry can become president. As Cheney said, "I don't think Kerry has the qualities needed to be Commander in Chief!"

Vote for Bush. I rest my case.

Edmond the Hun

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Current Events 2 - A Memorial For What???

A British Columbian group was going to make a memorial to the draft dodgers who fled to Canada to avoid the draft. The good new is they met with so much opposition, especially from American vets, that they backed off. The bad news is now I don't get to rant about it. Well, not quite as much.

They've merely "changed" the memorial to be about "peace and refuge monument for all groups that have come to Canada and sought assistance." Huh? And the difference is...? That's just a re-wording of the original draft dodgers plan. I hope they get opposition for this one too. Why should there be anything that even attempts at honoring the cowards who ran away because they didn't have enough guts or pride to die for their country? This is outrageous!


Edmond the Hun

Current Events 1 - Helens is gonna blow!

Over the last few days Mt. St. Helens in Washigton has been quaking and steaming, getting ready for its first eruption since May 18, 1980. Hopefully, this time it can avoid causing 57 deaths. No word yet on when the volcano is expected to blow its top. But since it only happens every 20 years or so, it's somewhat interesting.

We had a family reunion in Washington three summers ago, and we visited the Mt. St. Helens area. It was very impressive, especially all the trees that had just been totally knocked over by the 1980 blast, and the ones farther out that just had all their leaves and twigs incinerated. Or, as Uncle Lowell termed it, "Flying Beaver Damage." There should be a lot more Flying Beaver Damage after Mt. St. Helens goes off again.

Edmond the Hun

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Politics 5 - Debate Analysis

First off, neither of the candidates said or did anything ridiculous or embarrassing, or any other related thing that would automatically knock one of them out of the race. Kerry is a better speaker than Bush. He talked a lot faster and seemed to have more things to say, while Bush talked slower, made frequent pauses, and seemed to run out of things to say at points. However, both managed to criticize each other a good deal. They also said key phrases that sound good by themselves, although with some context Kerry's excerpts fall flat.

Bush did a good job of pointing out Kerry's inconsistencies. He mentioned how Kerry looked at the same intelligence Bush did and voted for authorization of force, but now he says it's the wrong war, wrong place, wrong time (Bush repeated thiat catch phrase almost to the point of annoyance). He discussed Kerry's plans to recruit allies, while at the same time Kerry's criticism of our allies. Bush also did a good job of reminding people why we went to war: The United Nations passed a resolution. Saddam Hussein did not comply. We had to give him a consequence for not complying, so we used force. Simple and logical. It had nothing to do with 9/11.

And therin lies Bush's mistake. He is still trying to make a link where there is none. I winced when he said, the enemy attacked us, thus the war in Iraq. Kerry was quick to pounce on it, too, discussing how we should focus on getting bin Laden instead of the "diversion" of Iraq. Did that give Kerry an edge? Not really.

Kerry firmly said that the war on Iraq was a mistake, that Saddam was a threat, there was a right way and a wrong way to deal with him, and Bush chose the wrong way. Now hold on just a minute. What is this "wrong way" that Bush chose? Using force to get rid of Saddam? Well, Kerry, in Congress you voted to authorize that. Now about this "right way" that Bush didn't choose, what is that? Diplomacy? The UN had already passed 16 resolutions that didn't work, and Saddam didn't comply to the 17th one either. So not only did Kerry choose the same "wrong way" that he accuses Bush of, but the "right way" had already been tried, unsuccessfully. So by calling Iraq and mistake and a diversion, Kerry is just using a bunch of words to make Bush look bad. If only the rest of the world would think that through.

Kerry's second mistake was his vagueness. For example, three times he said that at Bush's pace it would take him 13 years to track down Russia's nuclear stuff, but "I'll do it in four." Yet never once did Kerry even hint at mentioning how he would accomplish this thing. Does he have some sort of plan? Is he gonna go in there himself? Or maybe he's just picking a number like "4" because it sounds better than "13."

Third, Kerry still insisted on making contradictions. In his closing remarks, Kerry proudly said something like, I defended you in Vietnam, and I'll defend you now. Hold up again. When he came back from Vietnam, Kerry was calling that war a mistake and making all sorts of noise against it. And now he's saying he's proud of serving in it? As Bush said, "The only consistent thing about my opponent---is his inconsistency."

So how will this debate affect the polls? If the American people look on the surface, Kerry won the debate. He looked better and smarter, and he made many accusations against Bush in an effort to make himself appear more perfect. If people look deeper, they will see that Kerry's accusations actually point at the inconsistencies and incompetence of himself, and they will think Bush won the debate. However, if everyone did that, Kerry would have no supporters at all. I expect the polls to show Kerry gaining a little bit on Bush.

- Tuesday, October 5: Cleveland (A Vice-presedential debate between Cheney and Edwards)
- Friday, October 8: St. Louis (Bush vs. Kerry)
- Wednesday, October 13: Tempe, Arizona (Bush vs. Kerry)

I'll be analyzing those too, if I have time to watch them.

Edmond the Hun