Thursday, October 14, 2004

I'm Still Alive, and More Politics

It's been a week since I last updated. Don't worry, I haven't died. I've just been busy.

I missed the last two Presidential debates, so I don't have a lot to comment on. Except that I laughed when I read that Kerry said, "I have been completely consistent about Iraq" in the second debate, because even the liberal media has been consenting that he's been inconsistent.

I also thought it was comical what I read in the paper yesterday. Kerry was criticizing Bush and he said that another session of Congress ended without a good energy bill being passed. And this is the President's fault? If anything, he's incriminating himself---he's the one in Congress! (In fact, this website: says that Bush proposed an energy bill that failed to pass by two votes. Can you name two senators who didn't show up to vote? Yep, our buddies Kerry and Edwards) I don't think Kerry has a proper understanding of what the President's position is.

Just another reason why he shouldn't be President.

I found a neat website,, that keeps track, update daily, of who's projected to win each state, and, likewise, the most electoral votes. Can't say how accurate it is, but it's based on mulitple polls, and it's interesting if nothing else.

I'll be back

Edmond the Hun

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey Edmond, i'm likin' your rundown of politics, since i don't make time to be that informed. But whatever happened to the Relient K news?? :) Anyways, Kerry should take the AP history class then, so he can figure out how to pass a Bill. -Sanguine