Monday, October 18, 2004

Politics 7: Ingenious Cheaters

Our electoral college system is really odd and unique, and some people are exploiting its finer details. Some people in swing states (states that are up for grabs) want to vote for Nader, but they know that if too many people do, it'll take away votes from Kerry (because Nader is kinda liberal) and Bush will win the state. But they still want Nader to get a numerical vote. So here's what's happening. With, Nader fans in swing states are finding Kerry fans in solid states (where someone is pretty much guaranteed to win), and swapping votes.

This means Nader still gets the same amount of votes as before, but Kerry gets more votes in a state where he needs them. This is a direct attempt to exploit the electoral college system!! On the one hand, it's ingenious, but it's also cheating!! Because the system is not popular majority, these people are trying to move Kerry votes around to help him win the most states! This is diabolical! And it's completely legal!!

All you Republicans out there in swing states need to sign up and say you'll vote for Kerry if they'll vote for Nader, and then still vote for Bush. That way, Kerry loses votes in his solid states and still doesn't get them in the swing states. They only have 1005 pairs so far, and less than 100 in most states. But Florida's got 230 Nader-fan Kerry votes, and if that grows, it could change the outcome, since Bush only won Florida last time by a few hundred.

I never understood why we use the electoral college system. My history teacher says there's good reasons, and I'm really glad Gore didn't become president off the popular vote in 2000, but the whole thing is so illogical! And it's finally being exploited.

Edmond the Hun

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i guess it's about time the evil geniuses of america decided to exploit our ridiculous election system, but it still stinks. if kerry fans are this desperate then what else will they do? where are the bush fanatics? (or are they just not evil geniuses?) Bush needs some spy person on the "enemy's" inside to CLUE HIM IN or he'll get a nasty surprise on election day. -Sanguine