Monday, April 04, 2005

The Pope Is Dead

Get over it. No one cares.

Wait, let me be politically correct, so the liberals don't attack me (actually, I wouldn't mind the publicity)---there's a lot of people that don't care.

Don't believe me? Then explain why Sin City was the top grossing movie this weekend. It's an extremely violent R-rated movie that's also full of sex, nudity, and provocatively dressed woman. And explain why Beauty Shop came in second. It involves women in a beauty shop talking about sex and, uh, other stuff. Watching either of these two movies isn't exactly the best way to honor the pope.

I'm sure there are some practicing Catholics who are saddened by the fact that an 84-year-old pope died so now they can replace him with another guy. Don't get me wrong, John Paul II was a great guy and all. My frustrations have nothing to do with the character of the man himself---I'm instead bothered by the various reactions to it. And lots of people just don't care.

But for some reason the media doesn't seem to realize that. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch devoted the first ten pages to nothing but the pope and advertisements. Ten pages! And about seven more in the succeeding editorial section. This is ridiculous! That left about two pages for Iraq and anything else. And this wasn't confined to my locality, either. A recent analysis has discovered that overall the news media of the world wrote 35,000 new stories about the pope the day after his death, compared with 3500 to Bush's re-election!

And this pope-crazy media is shoving out other news. I haven't seen anything about the Minutemen patroling the border. You probably don't even know what that is. I hardly know what it is, because I haven't especially gone looking for it---the only way to get good news around here is to go especially looking for it.

The Minutemen are a bunch of civilians voluntarily watching the US's southern border to arrest illegal immigrants. Illegal immigration from Mexico is a huge problem that most people aren't even aware of. These guys have made a few arrests. Don't know how effective that is, but it's better than nothing. Kudos to our volunteer citizens. But somehow this isn't making the papers, or the one I get, at least.

Who knew that I'd connect the pope, sex movies, and Mexican immigrants in one post? Well, I did. I'm fed up with hypocrites who mourn the pope's death and go watch immoral movies. And I'm fed up with the media using the death of an old famous guy to overshadow more relevant news.

Edmond the Hun

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