Saturday, April 02, 2005

April Fools!

Just kidding - the three following posts are all april fool's jokes! Although I wouldn't be surprised if the ACLU did something like that. And I don't know how Terri stayed alive that long. And there are fears that the price of oil barrels will go from $55 to $100, which could easily translate over here into over $3 a gallon. But that might not even happen, and if it does, probably not $4. But then what do I know about gas pricing logistics?

Anyway, the gas price one has the most chance of actually happening, and the Terri one is so ludicrous that I hope you didn't believe it. Have a happee April!

Edmond the Hun

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you know you can spell gullible two ways? "gullable" and "gullible" there's my 2 cents' worth. -Sanguine