Saturday, January 15, 2005

Update on Immature Mooning Moss

I criticized Moss earlier this week for his butt-shaking / fake-mooning antic at the Vikings-Packers playoff game Sunday. Since then, two things have come to light. One slightly (but ever so slightly) vindicates him, and another convicts him beyond all doubt.

First, it became known that it is a tradition in Green Bay for some of the fans to really moon the opposing team's bus after a win. So, one might argue, all Moss was doing was paying the fans back for what they do to everyone else---including him, one might infer, since the Packers beat the Vikings at home this year. At the very least, is sheds some light on why he did what he did---it wasn't just a completely random antic. However, even that fact alone does not completely vindicate him, because 1) it is not all the fans who participate in that event, and I'm sure many of them would be and/or are disgusted at the fans that do that. 2) Those fans, as despicable and lowly as they are, are not doing it on national television. So, even with that fact alone, Moss is still guilty of being rude and inappropriate.

But don't worry, there's more. Moss was fined $10,000 by the NFL for the act, and guess what his reponse was. Repentant? Ashamed? Sorry? Nah. I doubt those words are even in Moss's vocabulary. Here's what Moss had to say about the antic and the ensuing fine: "It ain't nothing but 10 grand. What's 10 grand to me? What's 10 grand if you're rich?" Not only is Moss not even sorry, but he's an angry little brat who doesn't even care---because it's not costing him anything! He's allegedly planning to do something else in tomorrow's game, whatever that might be.

Moss is really getting on my nerves. He's such a great skilled and talented athlete, and he'll probably be in the Hall of Fame someday. But he's got the maturity of a five year old! He's losing the respect of anyone who ever had his respect before. Randy Moss, you won't ever find this blog any more than the president would, but I'm gonna say it again: Will you please grow up?

And what makes things worse is that he's just as bad as the Eagles' Terrell Owens. The only reasons Moss has been getting more spotlight lately is because Owens is injured and the Eagles had a first-round bye, so there hasn't been much chance for antics lately. And Owens's antics are more of a cocky look-at-me I'm-better-than-you nature, where as Moss's antics are more of a nah-nah-nah-nah-boo-boo I-don't-care-about-anyone nature. They're both immature. And the unfortunate thing is that one of their teams is by default going to win tomorrow and have a shot at the Super Bowl.

If anyone deserves to make it, it's Peyton Manning.

Edmond the Hun

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