Monday, January 03, 2005

Current Events: Tsunami Aid & Iraq

Inevitably, right after I criticize the American government for being stingy, President Bush ups the pledge ten-fold to $350 million. Alright, good job, that's even over a buck a person. Although I didn't hear any news about the raise happening because Congress passed an official resolution or anything. Maybe I don't have enough facts. But it sounded like just another spontaneous number. So why couldn't he have said that in the first place? At any rate, I congratulate our government for finally starting to show some muscle in this ordeal.

Since last time I commended the world and criticized the government, and now that I've commended the government, it's time to criticize the world. Why is everyone (excluding a few ubiquitously magnanimous countries like Britian) so eager to give money for aid to tsunami victims, but they cry out that the war in Iraq is a waste of time? Hello, world! What are we doing in Asia? Helping innocent civilians who have become victims, enabling them to survive and live a better life. Right? Well, what is the US doing in Iraq? Could it be... helping innocent civilians who have become victims, enabling them to survive and live a better life? No way---they're almost identical! Gasp! So why is the rest of the world so dichotomous? (sorry 'bout the big words ~ it happens when I get upset)

Maybe it's because giving money to help Asian victims doesn't take much of a sacrifice. Microsoft donated $5 million? So what? They're worth billions---what does that cost them? People from countries all over are shelling out money, but I bet the average is only a few bucks a person, and only wealthy people are giving the bigger chunks, which is proportionally no sacrifice for them. On the other hand, helping Iraqi victims does take a lot of sacrifice. Many have to give their life. And that's not quite as popular.

There's a reason why people are so much more eager to help Asian victims than Iraqi victims. There's a reason why there's a huge coordinated effort for aid to Asia, while Bush can barely keep a coalition together for Iraq. There's a reason for this double standard. What is that reason?

No one wants to sacrifice.

Edmond the Hun

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