Sunday, January 09, 2005

It's An Oddball World 5: Fat Man Loses Weight

Patrick Deuel once weighed 1,072 pounds. For the last several months, he couldn't even get out of bed. He was dying of heart failure. So they took him to the hospital, and he underwent several treatments. Now he's down to 610 pounds. He can even walk around a little bit now! The before and after pictures for this guy are amazing! He was disgustingly fat before, now he's only fat. I'm just amazed at how fat this guy got! He hopes to get down to 240 pounds. Hopefully he's learned his lesson about being a lazy glutton.


Edmond the Hun

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*eats oreo in secret* agh...that's just kinda freakish. wow. good that he's losing weight or whatever i guess, but man...gosh he's the size of almost 3 men!!! *faints* eek. -Sanguine