Monday, November 01, 2004

T minus 1

Alright, folks, we only have one more day til the election, and then I can get back to normal stuff, like the discovery of skeletons of a new hobbit-sized species of humans, or the Relient K CD that comes out tomorrow, etc, etc. Until then...

The military votes are in a quandry. We currently have over 160,000 people serving overseas, and it's expected that for various reasons, including shipping problems and deadlines and whatnot, 20 to 40 percent of the military may not get to vote or may not get their vote counted. This is important---because the military is expected to vote 70% Bush. Pray that these votes will get counted!

The polls are basically in a dead heat, so what's gonna make the difference is which side gets the most people to come to the polls and vote. Don't think your vote won't count! And if you're not old enough to vote, make sure your parents get out and vote, unless they're voting for Kerry, in which case you should convince them to stay home. Seriously, though, pray that Christians will realize it is their duty as a Christian and a citizen to vote and be involved in the government!

Ironic Quote of the Day: John Kerry, speaking at a black church, "There is a standard by which we have to live. Coming to church on Sundays and talking about faith isn't the whole deal." John Kerry is the one talking about hypocrisy? Don't even get me started...

My only regret is that my blogging voice has not become loud enough to persuade voters to my position. However, there's always '08. And prayer is a potent voice.

Edmond the Hun

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's so not fair to the military people!!! Esp. since it's the gov. that sends them out there anyways. Well...I hear your blogging voice, but unfortunately that really does mean nothing. ^_^ However, (assuming we survive the next four years) 2008 is our year, yay! And yay for potent voices. ;) -Sanguine