Thursday, November 04, 2004

Random Post-Election Thoughts

1. Gay marriage bans passed by overwhelming margins in all 11 states that it was on the ballot. This is interesting, especially because of the apparent decay of morality in our country. Those issues also helped Bush win, I think, because some Christians (who otherwise might not have voted) went out and voted to vote against gay marriage, also voting for Bush in the process.

It's surprising that Kerry and the Democrats support gay marriage despite the obvious national sentiment against it. Will they change, or will the nation change?

2. More proof that the media is liberal (as if we needed any). called California as soon as the polls closed, before any numbers were in, because pre-election polls showed that Kerry had a huge margin in that state, and exit polls confirmed that.

In Alaska, however, pre-election polls gave Bush a huge lead, but it was not immediately called. Even with 28% precincts in and Bush with a 65%-35% lead, they still did not call it for Bush. Only after over half the precincts were in did they call it for Bush, yet they called California for Kerry right away, and he won that state by a smaller margin than Bush won Alaska.

Also, the Post-Dispatch buried a single sentence about all the gay marriage bans inside an entire article about California's passing of the stem cell research and other ballot measures across the nation.

3. I did not know this: Kerry's senate term is not up, and since he did not win the Presidency, he returns to being a Senator for Massachusetts. I just though that was interesting.

Edmond the Hun

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