Sunday, November 21, 2004

Exit Polls ~ Will They Never Learn?

The first exit polls that were leaked during our presidential election on Nov 2 said that Kerry was ahead in Ohio and Florida. He lost both states. The exit polls were wrong. This anamoly may not be confined to the United States.

There's a presidential election going on in Ukraine: Viktor Yanukovich vs. Viktor Yushchenko. I have no idea who these people are, and I don't really care. Ukraine doesn't have enough power in the world to make me care. So why am I telling you this?

Because with 26% of the ballots counted, Yanu is ahead, even though Yush won the exit polls by a considerable margin. Based on the precincts they are from, it's possible that Yush will still end up winning. But ignore that possibility for the moment. The point is - the exit polls are wrong. Again.

And why am I not surprised?

Edmond the Hun

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