Friday, October 28, 2005

Let's Wipe Israel Off the Map, Act 2005

It's like a horrible play.

WORLD: Come on, Israel, give up some of your land to the Palestinians, and you'll have peace.
ISRAEL: I doubt it.
WORLD: Come on, just do it. Peace! Peace!
CONSERVATIVE MEDIA/BLOGGERS: This is the stupidest idea in the world. Radical Muslims will only be happy when Israel is wiped off the map. It won't work at all.
WORLD: Did you hear something? Come on, Israel, give up land! Give up land! Peace! Peace!
ISRAEL: Well, OK, we'll do it.

[Israel gives up some land.]

RADICAL MUSLIMS: Yay, we have land! Now let's go attack some Israelis!
IRAN PRESIDENT: Israel must be wiped off the map! (actual quote)
ISRAEL: Here we go again...
WORLD: Hmm... I wonder what happened to the peace!
CONSERVATIVE MEDIA/BLOGGERS: Hate to say I told you so, but the world's not listening anyway...

You know there's something wrong with the world when a coach can't compliment black people without getting attacked and mutilated ( while an Islamist president can call for the extermination of Israel and stand by his comments without apology.

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