Monday, September 05, 2005

Supreme Court: Democrats in Deep

The analysis has only just begun regarding the impact of Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist's death. What does it mean for the Court? For Bush? For nominee Roberts? Well, I know what it means for the Democrats.

They're in a tough spot.

They are already risking a loss of credibility by their desire to grill Roberts with extensive questions to make sure he will uphold certain rights, which obviously simply means, make sure he believes what we believe so he'll vote the way we want him to, instead of the way Bush wants him to. Otherwise we won't vote him in. Clearly, as long as Roberts will uphold the Constituion, his opinions regarding specific things is irrelevant. It won't take the public long to recognize the Democrat's hopless scheme.

However, Rehnquist's vacancy makes things even harder for them. They threatened everything but murder if Bush tried to replace moderate O'Conner with a hardcore conservative. Now, Rehnquist was a hardcore conservative, but the Democrats will surely want to replace him a liberal or at least a moderate. Anything but a conservative! Yet if they suggest that, they will be practicing a double standard by wanting to do themselves what they would not allow Bush to do.

It will interesting to see how the Democrats will react in the days and weeks to come. If they ask Roberts too many questions, they will be exposed as only willing to accept someone who will behave the way they like. But if they don't, they won't have a reason not to vote for him. If they try to replace Rehnquist with a non-conservative, they will be exposed as holding to a double standard. But they don't want Rehnquist replaced with another conservative either.

They're stuck in what appears to be a lose-lose situation for both vacancies. Let's see what they can cook up...

Edmond the Hun


Anonymous said...

ok, i'm starting to miss my tv. before moving it downstairs, where it gets shaky, if any, reception i considered myself poorly to moderately informed. now i'm living in a black hole. this is embarrassing. i'll have to invade my neighbor's house at five or something. anyways. i don't like the supreme court as a rule cuz nobody is impartial. they should do something to where some poor child is locked away his whole life preparing to be a Justice and then when he gets the post he doesn't know anything about Republicans or Democrats or Liberals or Agendas. He knows the Constitution (and perhaps radically enough, the Bible) and he bases decisions on that. Then maybe things would make sense and be accomplished. If we leave out the fact that people are being locked up and bred to be Judges...i guess that's kinda creepy. never mind. just an idea.
we can't even hope for a peasant revolt, can we? cuz all the peasants who really care are bought off. darnit. i'm going to go live in the Alps in a little shack and sing about hills while wearing the latest fashion in green drapes. come visit me, i'll show you the secret mountain pass.

Anonymous said...

What is it you want a peasant revolt for, miss Honeysuckle Hayes of the hills? what are the caring peasants bought off by? I'm afraid I don't understand. forgive me. I will be sure to visit your magical land. we will yodel and eat soup while milking goats. oh what fun. and your "born into judgehood" idea is eerily familiar. can anyone say younglings (jedi)? or, if anyone has seen or even heard of the movie Soldier, it's just like that. kind of weird, probably effective, and very inhumane. hmm.
-The Swedish Eskimo

Anonymous said...

the peasants who are informed are bribed into silence, either thru $$ or busy schedules. that's what i meant anyways. lol yay i won't have goats tho ~ they smell. i'm having my loyal servants Heidi and Rolfe bring in food shipments from The Outside. hm. didn't think about Jedi. that sure would work tho! hey, nobody protested the inhumanity of it in the Star Wars universe. i guess most of them were busy trying to survive and didn't have time to mess with their own corrupt govs. or powerful robe wearing dudes. it was just a thought.

i'll take you up on yodeling, if you go first. ;) josh can make the soup ;D

Anonymous said...

p.s. thanks for changing the format back Pope.:)