Sunday, September 25, 2005

Rita Clears Bush

The events surrounding Hurricane Rita should make it clear to everyone that it is ridiculous to blame Bush for his lack of response to Hurricane Katrina. In the case of Rita, local officials did everything necessary to forewarn and evacuate citizens, even if the highway clog was a mess. All Bush had to do was sit back and watch on giant TV screens and order a few federal troops in.

Katrina taught us to beware of incoming hurricanes, watch them develop and prepare accordingly. Rita proved that we learned. It also proved that the president doesn't have to get involved.

Edmond the Hun


Anonymous said...

so did you click on his link? he's a pro. I suppose he goes through the blogging sites and hits the "next blog" button, leaving his ad on every one.

anyway, you're right. people in this country hate Bush and look for any opportunity to blame him for something. what do people hate him for? in my opinion, he's really not too bad, and he is a pretty cool guy. it could be WAY worse.
-The Swedish Eskimo

Anonymous said...

people would always rather blame somebody else.

Eskimo, i'm compiling my penguins. do you have your goats already? i figure we should start getting them acclimated. :)