Monday, September 12, 2005

The President: Why Are They Pointing Fingers At You?

Once again, the media uses an event as an excuse to portray President Bush in a bad light. Why didn't he respond sooner? If he had done something quicker, thousands would have been saved!

But there are some facts the media is not emphasizing, and that I have gleaned either by reading the articles closely or from conservative radio. First, the hurricane wiped out the communications systems that emergency response people normally rely on, so it was harder for them to make things happen. Second, the mayor of New Orleans and governor of Louisiana didn't do anything to help helpless people evacuate in time, and they certainly had more resources and time than Bush did, who has 49 other states to worry about, too.

Which brings me to my own point: Perhaps the reason Bush did not take more action sooner was because he didn't realize he needed to! That may sound farfetched, but hindsight is always 20/20. Think about it.

How often does the federal government get involved in most hurricanes, anyway? People board up and hoard supplies, some people evacuate, some homes get wiped away, the Red Cross and Coast Guard take care of everything, no need for the President, right? In other words, we've never expected Bush to have buses full of water bottles ready to go whenever a hurricane hit. It wasn't needed.

OK, so it's true that Katrina was not your average hurricane, and we knew it wasn't going to be your average hurricane before it hit. But that still doesn't make it Bush's responsibility. Why didn't the mayor or governor or other local officials organize and load up the buses? No, somehow, Bush was supposed to be doing that, even though he still had all his normal presidential responsibilities to worry about as well.

For years the media has been treating Bush in a strange way. Whenever anything in this country doesn't go as it should, somehow it's Bush's fault that it went wrong. And that's really not fair.

Edmond the Hun


Anonymous said...

Bush hasn't been my favorite president lately, but i can't name a good alternative and i hate the media above all else. i wish there was no media. i can't decide which is worse, media that always reports liberal news, or a media controlled by the dictator that would report fake news. at least it would probably be positive.

we get a new president when we're in college ~ i'm scared. at least with royalty you always know who's next. unless they all start killing each other.

i really am moving to the Alps. i shall hide in my cave. since hill has deserted our idea to live in a cabin in maine. maybe she can ship me food in secret from London. and i shan't have goats. i shall have penguins.

Anonymous said...

what good are penguins? at least goats have milk, and they can actually handle the vertical terrain, and then you can always cook one up if you're hungry. but penguins? they would toboggan all the way down your mountain and get lost in the valley below where they will be helpless to defend themselves from the local Yeti. you'll need to look out for those, I understand.

If your runaway dream does become a reality, then what will you do for entertainment? how will you access books, for example? you need to be prepared.
-The Swedish Eskimo

Anonymous said...

Penguins are cute and cuddly and fun to watch. Goats are ugly and smelly and would headbutt you and steal your cheese. Therefore, I conclude that penguins are better to have when on the alps.

i shall be prepared Eskimo, fear not.
i shall elaborate at a more opportune time.