Thursday, December 23, 2004

Politics: ReDefeat Bush?

Or, Defeating Democracy In Deomocracy's Name

With, some liberals are trying to stage a riot/protest during Bush's inaugaration next month. It's OK if they don't like the fact that more people voted for Bush than Kerry. What's not OK is that they're planning a protest for it. And what really gets me is that they're doing it in the name of democracy!

Hello?! The people have spoken! We want Bush! If Kerry had won, I would be upset, yes. I would be disappointed, yes. But I would not be staging a riot to protest his inaugaration! There's something wrong with you if you can't accept the fact that other people don't believe the same things you believe. And that's exactly what we have here.

What someone needs to do is stage an assembly at the same time and place for the purpose of supporting Bush. This would counteract and defeat the purpose of this liberal's anti-Bush parade. Unfortunately, I don't have enough of a voice or the means to do that.

Edmond the Hun

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if i heard this stuff from anyone else but you i'd say "you're joking!" *sigh* guess you're not. wow. sorry "your voice isn't loud enough" (shout louder)^^ but good job being the newscast for me, since i don't watch TV LOL :D yay. merry christmas!!! (*hugs*) since i can't send mail from this comp, curses. i got all your stuff ~ say hi to bridget and give her a hug for me!! toodles ~ Sanguine