Monday, December 20, 2004

News Blurb 2

1) Now there are gay couples in Massachusetts who want to get divorced. I can't even think up a worthy response to this...

2) Miami heat center and former Lakers star Shaquille O'Neal wants to be a sheriff in Florida. Seriously---he's even going through the proper steps to get qualified and certified. Just another proof (i.e. Ricky Williams) that sports and fame and fortune don't fill the empty void inside. (Can anybody say...Jesus?)

3) From his prison cell, Saddam Hussein told Iraqis to remain united against Americans. He said "Kurds, Arabs, Shiites, Sunnis, and Christians are all Iraqis who all have to stand united against the American plot." Wait a minute... since when did Saddam care about Christians?

Edmond the Hun

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