Monday, December 20, 2004

Current Events: Ukraine, Continued

Ukraine's gonna have a re-election on December 26. Turns out the vote really was completely filled with fraud to ensure that Yushchenko (our more or less "good guy") didn't win. Yush was also poisioned -- He had some kind of dioxin in his body, and the count of it in his blood cells was the second-highest ever recorded!

Ukraine's trying to be a democracy, and it's obvious that the people want that to happen. It's obvious that Yush wants that to happen, too, which is why most of the people want him to win. It's also obvious, via the fraud and the poisioning, that the communists/dictators don't want to lose their power. The world already has their eye on them, so I suspect this election will be a cleaner one. I predict Yush will win by a landslide, followed by several more assassination attempts. Whether Ukraine can truly become democratic or not is something we'll have to wait on.

Edmond the Hun

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