Monday, December 20, 2004

Defending the War In Iraq

I get upset every time I read an editorial where someone calls the war in Iraq worthless, needless, or a waste of time and money (they also usually manage to throw in a bash at Bush too). I'm tired of explaining why we went to Iraq---it's simple logistics: We gave Saddam an ultimatum, and he refused to comply. If we don't provide consequences for that, then America has no power to defend itself. If they won't let us come in to look for weapons, and we don't care if they don't, then they have the implied authority to make weapons all they want to, because they know we won't do anything about it. We couldn't let that happen, and we didn't.
However, we are now getting stuck in a "quagmire" that reminds too many people of Vietnam. Insurgents are still daily attacking and killing, which doesn't bode well for the elections that are supposed to happen in a month and a half. Recently, I have found a reason for staying in Iraq---and it has nothing to do with politics.

There are innocent, oppressed civilians in Iraq, and it is our moral and humanitarian obligation to help them, since we have the ability to help them. Don't roll your eyes at me---hear me out. Why do we have policemen in America? To protect the innocent civilians from those who wish to oppress them. Now, why shouldn't this belief carry over to the war in Iraq? These people who say it's a needless war are implying American egocentricity---that Americans are better and worth more than other people.

The war-bashers say that this war doesn't involve us. I beg to differ. Surely these people believe in our police force. Aren't we all humans? If innocent Americans deserve to be protected from oppressors, why don't innocent Iraqis? We should endeavor to protect all innocent humans from oppression. I realize that is not plausible, but right now, it is plausible for Iraq.

To say that innocent Iraqis don't deserve to be protected when we have the power to protect them is to say that Americans are worth more than other humans. It doesn't look as bad as Hitler and the Jews, but it's the same underlying principle. If I'm wrong, post a comment and debate me. I rest my case.

Edmond the Hun

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