Saturday, August 06, 2005

War on Terrorism: Racial Profiling

Liberals are getting all freaked out about this new concept of racial profiling. I, for one, hope that it becomes fully implemented into our transportation system, and very quickly, at that.

Racial profiling is the idea that security offers focus their random bag searches on male Arabs/Muslims and related types of suspicious people groups. The reasons are fairly obvious: the major terrorist attacks on Western civilization in recent years have come from those male Arab/Muslim types. If we checked them thoroughly before allowing them on our trains or subways or airplanes, then we would make it much harder for them to penetrate with an attack.

Of course, civil liberties obsessives are crying foul. That's unfair discrimination, they claim. That's unfair to all the poor peace-loving Muslims who want to live a simple life here.

My response: Too bad. Live with it.

If there was an outbreak of bombs blowing up in the US caused exclusively by male teenagers, and the government decided to carefully check the baggage of every male teenager that boarded a plane, sure, I would hate the extra difficulties presented to me personally, but I would understand that it was necessary. In fact, this sort of group-specific discrimination has already been present in our society for years. It's called car insurance.

Male teenagers are irresponsible, or so the statistics say. We immature young adults don't pay attention and cause considerably more wrecks than any other driving demographic. So the insurance companies hit us up with considerably larger payments. I sigh and submit, because I need to use my car. Where are the same liberal groups in this situation? Why aren't they crying, foul! You can't discriminate against all those poor responsible male teenagers who just want to live a simple life and drive their cars around!

But they don't do that, because there are enough irresponsible crash-causing male teenagers that it makes sense to just charge them all more money instead of wasting time trying to find some way to measure responsibility and driving skill. Likewise, there are enough Arab Muslim types that have made terrorist attacks on our society and are continuing to plan them, that it makes sense to just screen all of them before boarding planes and trains instead of wasting time trying to find some way to figure out which ones are peace-loving and which ones aren't.

Peace-loving Muslims of America, I'm sorry for the extra trouble racial profiling may cause you. But you have no choice. You must sigh and submit. It's the only way to protect us from further attacks.

But oddly enough, they're not the ones that I'm hearing complaints from. This anti-profiling stuff is all from the civil liberties groups. So to you, I say: Shut up! Stop preventing us from preventing terrorist attacks! Or, if you're so excited about group-specific discrimination, find a way to lower my insurance bill.

Edmond the Hun

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Minor comment on your example: male teenagers includes all races and religions, so they don't consider that as big of a deal. They figure you men are tough enougn to deal with it I guess.^^ Or maybe they figure you're more likely to have jobs to pay for it. It's really just all about the green paper though. A better example might have been affirmative action (*gag*). I don't want to get started on racial profiling. I do know that my dad looks like a terrorist cuz he's been stopped 3 times for "random searches." :) -Sanguine