Thursday, August 18, 2005

Movie Review: March of the Penguins (5 of 5)

So a bunch of guys who like cold weather go to Antarctica and film some penguins. They come back and turn it into a documentary for a few small theaters. It's so well-received that they expand to over two thousand theaters, including one close enough for me to go see it.

Let me start out by telling you what March of the Penguins is not. It's not an action-packed thriller, although penguins getting chased by a seal is a little suspenseful. It's not a romantic comedy, although there is plenty of info about penguin love, and it is very amusing when waddling penguins fall over on the ice.

It's a first-rate documentary. Simple, interesting, informative, and very cute. Learning about these penguins isn't at all boring. The background music is almost classical, almost jazz, almost elevator music ~ perfect for a documentary, and yet I can still recall some of the tunes four days later (I want the soundtrack, if it's for sale). The fabulous shots of glittering icebergs as the setting is a nice bonus, too.

Even if you don't like informative nature documentaries, this movie is so well-done that I think you'll still find it enjoyable. I do admit that I wouldn't pay another $6.75 to see it once, but it is something that I will definitely want to see again.

Edmond the Hun


Anonymous said...

yay penguins.

Anonymous said...

Is that you David? You don't know the art of being only partially anonymous. If that's not David...then ignore that comment and congrats on finding Edmond's blog.

Long Live the Penguins!!! :D That was a great movie! I agree that watching penguins fall over is one of the major highlights. That and when they were examining the cameras. And I SO want a little baby penguin!! ok i'm done.

Anonymous said...

yes, miss Sanguine, it is I, the Swedish Eskimo (aka David). the reason I left my name off was so that the mood of the quote didn't get ruined. you see, two words are short and sweet. if I added my name afterwords, then it would be pathetic and less random. I have no problem with adding my name to the end of this comment because this is a normal piece of dialogue where the writer ought to be identified. the first comment is certainly better without further identification. therefore, perhaps I do know the art of being only partially anonymous. apparently I know it well, because I have to apply discretion whether or not to leave my name. I believe that I made the right choice.
–The Swedish Eskimo

Anonymous said...

ah. hi Swedish Eskimo! Thanks for the explanation ~ I think. It'll be nice to have some new blood commenting on the blog. (the blood ref. comes from Beowulf)

You should bother Edmond the update this more often, since you guys are oh-so-bored during comp.apps. ;) Unless you're playing extreme connect four again?