Monday, August 29, 2005

Halo Movie?

So I read this article about a Halo movie. Something about Microsoft selling rights or buying them or something or other ~ I don't remember. The point is there's plans, as preliminary as they may be at this point, for a Halo movie based off the bestselling and ever-popular game.

The movie, if it is ever released, will flop.

There's no way around it. Games-to-movies, from Resident Evil to Tomb Raider, have never worked too well. Why? Games are entertaining because they are repetitive yet increasingly challenging, while movies are entertaining because of an excellent plot, or humor, or something literary like that. In a game, it might be different every time you play it, depending on how good you are, while a movie is always the same. They're just completely different types of media.

And in a more specific sense, Halo would not work. Halo is not loved and worshipped because of its one-player storyline shooting aliens (and what else could they make the movie about?). It is loved and worshipped because of its multi-player humans-shoot-humans, allowing for endless fun as you develop your skill relative to that of everyone else in the world (literally). There's no way to translate that into a game.

So, if this Halo movie thing comes true, I just can't see it making a lot of money. Gamers would rather save their eight bucks and play more Halo.

Edmond the Hun


Anonymous said...

Well Edmond, I am sorry to say that you are wrong. oh so very wrong. you see, I know that you don't know much of anything about Halo, on accounta you don't have either game. The truth is, the Halo franchise has an incredibly thick story. Certainly more so than any other video game to my knowledge. Thick enough that there are a few novels written about halo. Thick enough that there is nearly TWO HOURS of total cinematic cut-scene footage in between playing time on Halo 2. That means thick plot. Thick enough that I don't understand it all. basically it's a sci-fi dealing with humans on earth versus aliens of other worlds. anyway, I am very confident that this will be a winner. Go to and select the post "the great (hollywood) journey" on the front center of the page. Talk of the possible movie has been going for a while now, but it is to the point that it will happen. It is set for 2007, with Universal and 20th Century Fox teaming up to do it. A supposedly unbelievable script has already been written, and they're saying that it will be full of crazy action. My only fear is that by '07 Halo might not be so big anymore. we'll see.
-The Swedish Eskimo

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid I agree with anonymous edmond. First off, game movies aren't always flops. Resident Evil did well enough for there to be a sequal. Plus, it was said in the past that a comic book could never be translated into a movie becuase they were designed to be in cereal form and the characters weren't deep. Need I point to the countless comic book movies that have done very well (Spiderman, Superman, Batman, ect). Also Halo has a much deeper story then you are aware of (knowing that you haven't played through the single player). And finnally, while it's true that the game is made to be an action shooter the fact is the gaming consumers of today's culture just won't many games without a deep and complex story. If you did some research on Halo's story I think you might change your mind as to whether or not it would make a good movie (plus it already has a huge fan standing to bring in the box office numbers).

Anonymous said...

eskimo, i think your fear of the halo craze dropping by '07 would be the only thing. i wouldn't be in line to see it but james has (oh so patiently) explained that there is in fact a plot. besides the fact that like a hundred movies or more worldwide flop every year, but they still get made. dunno where all the $$ comes from, but there ya go. it'll be a typical action flick, maybe win the oscars for obscure things like cinematography, but it will get bad reviews. there is my prediction. hey, i'm a girl. i'm exiled from the world of halo. i'd be exiled even if i could kick your butt at it lol cuz it's a sexist game. -Sanguine ;)

Anonymous said...

Miss Sanguine, you are mistaken. Any girl that actually decides to like Halo is welcome; it's just that almost none want to. "ewww, it's shooting and blood and aliens," would be the typical response. I have Xbox Live and play random people from around the world, and there are a few girls that play. any girl is welcome if they wish. (and that means you.)
-The Swedish Eskimo

Anonymous said...

aw, thanks Da-Eskimo. too bad i don't have any time now to get good at it. i suppose i could invade my neighbor's house (he's so cool, he's like 30 and obsessed with Halo). i don't think it's gross ~ i'm just absolutely no good with xbox controllers. i don't like the way the joysticks are set up. playstation is much easier. i'm sure that's a whole different debate. ;) maybe i'll come watch you guys kill each other sometime. -Sanguine
you're my best friend, LOL