Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Current Events: Same Old News

I haven't blogged about any late-breaking news stories in the last few days. Maybe it's because nothing's really new. Flipping through the front-page section of today's paper, we merely find rehashings of old stories with new names or numbers.

For example, fighting continues in Iraq with more deaths and explosions, with one note of logistical progress: hundreds of arrests have been made recently and there is the possibility of negotiations between the new government and the insurgents. But the media continues to spin and analyze death totals and statistics to make it look like things aren't getting better, as if it's a surprise that people die in wars.

But wait... what's that? Negotiating to end fighting? Tell that to Israel, which continues to be assaulted by the Palestinians who still want them to give away some settlements in a few months. Fortunately, the Israelites are good at defending themselves by now, as yesterday they survived a missile and seven rockets with damage but no injuries, and a few days ago they foiled several potential attacks against Israeli citizens (or, more accurately, the media reported that they foiled attacks). Unfortunately, this constant thwarting of attacks helps the Palestinian's media image, because it doesn't look like they're killing as many Israelis. It's lose-lose for Israel: either let your people die or let the Palestinians look good. But this has been going on for years.

And then of course, there's "Hillary Clinton accuses Bush of abusing power." What? You mean there's Democrats that actually don't like everything that Bush does? If you think that's new news, you really need wake up from your coma.

OK, so there was that deal about voters rejecting the European constitution, but I don't know much about that, so what's there to say? European leaders were trying to unite Europe further in an end-of-the-age-ish eeriness, and they just now realized that their citizens didn't want to lose their identity. End of story (for now).

The sad thing is there are people who really don't know these things, or care. But then, that's not news, either...

Edmond the Hun

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I knew all does that make me informed? haha...

You could always start doing a random story of the day from your life or something lol but you would have to learn to do things that have no point ;) *poke* like playing in sprinklers hehee *shrug* i really have no idea. that's why i don't have one of these. -Sanguine

i was just playing ~ good luck w/ your ACT too. nice seeing you tonight :)