Monday, September 27, 2004

Decay of Society 1 - First Daughter, Moral Slaughter

We don't have enough sappy cheesy predictable chick flicks out there, so they made another one, The First Daughter. Some stupid storyline about the president's daughter falling in love and la-de-da-de-da. It only raked in about $4 million over the weekend (which is about 10% percent of what Spiderman 2 made on its opening DAY), so it's going to be another dud, like most chick flicks are.

But I'm griping about another silly chick flick. There's something else that gets me. This movie was rated, according to the little box under the rating in the newspaper ad, for "Language, Sexual Situation, and Alchohol-Related Material." And the rating is only PG! This is at least the second movie released this year as PG (The Prince and Me) with sexual-related content. OK, so they didn't really do anything. But still, try to tell me there was some other purpose for that scene than to imply that they wanted to have sex. Yet it's only PG! With this sort of precedent, how long will it be before more explicit stuff falls under a "PG" heading?

Really, though, this shoudn't surprise you, if you think about it. How many commercials on regular television these days have the same kind of implications? It's mostly beer commercials, but even Hardee's is running a commercial with a model riding a bucking bronco, and I'd love to hear someone try to justify that. It's bad enough that it's virtually impossible to watch a football game without turning the channel, or at least turning my head, but if the PG rating has been infiltrated, we can't guarantee that any movies are safe either.

Then again, with America's increasing rejection of Christianity and morals in general, what else can we expect?

Edmond the Hun

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