Saturday, December 10, 2005

We Wish You An Unoffending Phrase

I don't feel like getting into the Happy Holidays vs. Merry Christmas war that most conservatives get excited about every December. While I prefer "Merry Christmas," I suspect that to most people, all such phrases are now meaningless and simply things that people say because it's Christmastime.

Although I must admit I was quite surprised, yea, even shocked, to hear this blasphemous lyrical re-do on a Honda commercial:

We wish you a happy holiday
We wish you a happy holiday
We wish you a happy holiday
And a happy new year!

There's something wrong with that...

Edmond the Hun


Anonymous said...

the other day, I put up my holiday tree while listening to holiday songs, and then I baked holiday cookies while writing holiday cards.
-The Swedish Eskimo

joshua said...

What a fun holiday-rific time! 'Twas the night before Holiday...

Another point: If they're offended cuz they don't believe in Jesus, why can't I be offended cuz I don't believe in Santa Claus?

Anonymous said...

bah, humbug.

i'm annoyed with happee holidays etc. cuz it's usually redundant and cuz my house can't do christmas thanks to the incompetent constuction workers.

how about substituting "unoffending" for "unoffensive"? ;) (i've been playing scrabble so that's painfully obvious to me...i totally smoked Maeve-the-english-teacher tho, mwahahah)

well, we know for a fact that Santa Claus is real (hello, the movie we saw on saturday?!) but please Edmond, you have to PROVE Jesus is real. Santa leaves presents behind, therefore, he exists. People have yet to acknowledge convincing evidence for Jesus. and i think they find presents more exciting than archeological thingies. *sigh*