Thursday, March 31, 2005

War In Iraq: Unnoticed Progress

There is progress in the war in Iraq! It's interesting that when the media replaces the war with a brain-damaged Florida woman, the protests for the war disappear for awhile. Anyway, I read this on the bottom of the front page, last Thursday actually. We (meaning, the US Army and Co., or whatever "our side" is called) killed 85 insurgents in one day last week. Eighty-five! That was part of a multi-day raid somewhere in Iraq that totaled a couple hundred! (And the dissenters protest when we lose a single life) The article also reported that Iraqi citizens are now starting to give us information about the insurgents, whereas a couple months ago it used to be the other way around. The point is, we're making good progress in Iraq! And it did make the front page, but still second to Terri.

When bad things happen in Iraq, people cry out in protest. When good things happen in Iraq, no one notices. Or at least, not much.

Edmond the Hun

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've noticed that descrepancy too. Do you ever feel politically stifled? Or does this blog solve that? Because I'm wondering why alot of my teenage friends or even parents/young adults I know seem to have alot more sense than these politicians running the country. Are they that corrupted or are there major underlying layers to politics that us lowly citizens are aren't privied to? I know economy is all complicated, blah blah, but I'm wondering about true value judgments, "common" sense, and basic morality in our leaders. I wonder what would happen if they would actually speak their mind clearly, w/o diplomatic mumbo-jumbo, instead of planning only for their future political positions. Ok I'm done ranting. I hope I haven't revealed too much of my ignorance to the World At Large. -Sanguine