Sunday, March 20, 2005

Current Events: The Removal of the Feeding Tube

Well, now it's happened. They have removed the feeding tube of Terry Schiavo, who has been brain damaged for fifteen years. They say she can live at least a week without it, and after that... who knows? Conservative Christians and the like are in an outrage at this decision which will, unless opponents can legally break through, ultimately result in the death of Mrs. Schiavo.

If the case was simpler, I would go against the conservative Christian stream and say this is the right decision. She's been like this for fifteen years, doing nothing but eating through a feeding tube and eating thousands of dollars with it. OK, so she has laughed and cried, but those accounts are controversial, anyway. I think it would be best to put her out of her misery.

But it's more complicated than that. It has to be. After all, Terry's husband and Terry's parents have been fighting this for years. And there's something fishy about Michael Schiavo (the husband). The big mystery is: Why does he want to pull the plug? He claims that his wife told him that's what she would want. But no one seems to believe this simple answer. He was even offered a million dollars not to pull the plug, but he refused. There is obviously some deep reason that he wants to pull the plug. Maybe he really does belive that's what his wife wants.

But I know the reason has nothing to do with devotion to his wife. Why? Because he has kids with another woman, but he never officially divorced Terry to marry her. Why? It appears that he wants his wife to die---as his wife---before he marries the other woman. The only obvious motive is that somehow that would give him a lot of money, but he refused a million dollars, so that seems out of the picture.

This whole thing is rancid of corruption, and there's too much we don't know. There's some deep reason that Michael wants Terry to die as his wife. Now Congress is hurriedly trying to pass a law to stop it all. Unfortunately, Terry got caught in the middle of all this corruption, and there's nothing she can do about it. I want to say put her out of her misery---but Michael's mysterious behavior feels like something out of a Grisham novel. So I want to say keep her alive, just in case he has a corrupt (albeit unknown) reason for wanting her death.

Basically, I guess I still don't know one way or the other. It's just a very, very sad and corrupted case.

Edmond the Hun

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