Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Music 1 - Relient K? MMHMM!

Relient K is an extremely creative Christian punk/rock band. They have a new CD coming out November 2, and true to their creative album-naming spirit, this one's called "MMHMM." If you go to their website at www.relientk.com you will find some links to listen to some of the songs on the CD before it comes out. The only one I've had time and patience to listen to (with our dial-up connection) is "The One I'm Waiting For," which is something about a girl. This will be their fourth full album (not counting the Christmas one).

If you've never heard of Relient K, they like to sing about God, girls, college, and cars, all with catchy upbeat rhythms and creativity all-around, whether it's with clever word puns and rhymes or intricate tempo changes and cut-offs. I'll review MMHMM when it comes out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, Relient K is so the best band ever. It is so indredibly awesome. I think that Fred had some great ideas. You know how you have all those shortcuts to past articles? Well maybe you could make one there to just the comments. that would be cool. Um, yeah, I guess that is all I have to comment about this awesome site. I'll come back soon, and maybe comment on something else you did right. What a coincidence that Fred, you and I are all in an AP History class. That is so weird. I guess that is it. Buy.