Wednesday, April 12, 2006

How to Solve the Problem of Illegal Immigration

Everybody's all hyped up about what to do about illegal immigration, since we got several million of them in our country and Congress is finally trying to pass laws to do something about it. But all of the solutions only deal with the result. Whether we try to build a wall of some sort, or deport them all, or make them legal---all of this only deals with the result: illegals in our country.

This is ignoring the cause, which won't change: Mexicans are poor and it's easier for them to support themselves by coming here and getting a job. No matter what we do to the illegals here, thousands more are still going to try to come in because they're poor.

This morning I was struck with an obvious solution: help Mexico's economy. I don't mean give them money; every government in the world is too corrupt for that to help anything. I mean, do things to help their economy. I haven't thought through all of this yet, but surely we can do some things to help their economy and country function in a way similar enough to ours that the people there can actually get a job and make a living. Then they won't have to come up here.

The problem is that this is currently impossible. Mexico doesn't want us to help them, because the ones who are in power are corrupt and have plenty of money and are content to let their economy be sustained by the millions of dollars flowing back across the border from relatives with jobs in the U.S. And don't even pretend that diplomacy would work. How well has that worked with Iraq, North Korea, and Iran in the last couple years?

Therefore, the only way to help their economy would be to force them, and that would mean at least some sort of military action. Not a war; some sort of governmental coup. But just as in Iraq, the people would welcome it with open arms, except we wouldn't have to worry about terrorists quite as much.

I don't really know what I'm saying here. But I think the key to stopping illegals from crossing the border is by dealing with the root of the problem and fixing Mexican poverty. However impossible that may be.

Edmond the Hun


Anonymous said...

well, that's a nice idea. I think I have a more practical one, though: give a free taco to every illegal that agrees to go back home. how could they resist? it's fool-proof...

-The Swedish Eskimo

joshua said...

no, then they'd come back so they could get another free taco.

Anonymous said...

so true, so true. we coud take mug shots and names with every taco though. that might cut down on some of them from coming back for seconds!


Anonymous said...

That's a great idea, about fixing Mexico and all, except for two things....It's not our job to fix Mexico, it's theirs, and last I heard, they were handing out guidebooks on how to cross the border (no joke, it's gov't sponsered). Second is that we'd have to fix the economies of every other nation whose poor wanted to come to America.
There's nothing keeping Mexico from developing itself. It has every resource, a coast, steady crops, a large workforce, immense tourism...But Mexico is like the people on welfare. It's just content to sit there and get free handouts because finding a job would be too burdensome.

Also, I don't understand why illegal immigrants don't just's not like we've ever kicked people out. What does it take to get a greencard, and why don't they just go get one? Does anybody know?