Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Supreme Court Nominee: Brilliant! (i think)

Bush has now nominated some guy named Samuel Alito Jr. for the Supreme Court. His incredible track record makes him the most qualified candidate of the last seventy years. I think this is a brilliant move by Bush and Co. to either increase the conservative-ness of the Supreme Court, or expose the Democrat's liberal agenda, or both.

Here's why. Harriet Miers was criticized because she had no experience. In response, Bush nominates a guy who is incredibly experienced. (He also happens to be incredibly conservative.)

If Bush had nominated Alito from the start, his experience wouldn't have been that much of an issue, and it wouldn't have been an obvious positive factor. The Dems would have tried to find some objection based on his views, and would have had a decent chance of succeeding.

But since Alito is a post-Miers nominee, everyone looks at his experience and thinks, Hey, what a great choice! The only way the Dems can object is to make it obvious that they don't like his conservative-ness, which is no real reason at all.

Just as gas for $2.26 feels a lot cheaper after $2.99, an experienced nominee looks a lot better and more qualified after an unexperienced one. Thanks to this chain of events, there is now a good chance that this conservative president will increase the conservative-ness of the Court.


Edmond the Hun


Anonymous said...

Yay Bush. Everyone hates you, but I don't. I think you're special, like me.
-The Swedish Eskimo

Anonymous said...

Eskimo: LOL thanks for making me laugh

Edmond: thank you for being my link to American events. this loss of tv means loss of news broadcasting. i know i know if i tried hard enough i could be informed...i'm busy with college stuff. anyways, kudos to you for being a concerned citizen early. remember, i'm going to the Alps.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog..

Red Satellites