Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Return of the Hun

It's been a long time, but I'm back. I will be focusing, as before, on news and politics and what it has to do with our daily lives, but also on pop culture and its influence on youth.

I'm sick of watching Christians argue about the proper things to do instead of going out and telling the lost about Jesus.

I'm sick of watching pop culture corrupt youth with its twisted ideas about love, relationships, and God.

I'm sick of reading things like 18,000 children dying every day of hunger, knowing that even if somehow I could give one of them my lunch, they might still die the next day, and knowing that even if I could somehow feed one of them for a lifetime, they would still die and maybe miss heaven, and there would still be millions of others who suffered hungry deaths, wondering, with all the corruption in the church, and the corruption in the world's political systems, and the corruptions in modern culture, if it's even possible to make a difference anymore, but knowing that these passions burn inside me and that I cannot give up or despair.

So I will work. I will learn about the world and what's going on inside it. I will observe modern culture and how it affects us. I will figure out how to use the incredible new technologies of networking and information flow, such as Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, and others, to spread the love and hope found in Jesus Christ. I will find others who share these passions and work together to be part of a revolution. And most of all, I will cry out to God to save my generation.

Maybe I'm a little fanatical. Maybe these ambitions won't last. Maybe I can't do anything to make a difference in the world and all I'll ever do is work a job accomplishing some tasks along with everyone else.

But there's a dying world out there, and I'm sick of my own inability even to reach the ones I see every day. Besides, what have I got to lose?


Anonymous said...

Yaaaaay!!! the return! I went back and read some of the old ones. ahh... good times! it seems so long ago, but almost like yesterday all at the same time. I look forward to season two of this stuff.

-the swedish eskimo

Anonymous said...

Whoa... well, that blog pretty much summed up my lifetime's reflections. Glad you're back. I finally have the courage to show my face around here. I remain, or rather, become

your soon-to-be-nicknamed-chum,