Thursday, February 23, 2006

In Response to My Fans...

Sanguine, I apologize for the fake cursing. If you can tell me how "d--n" is worse than your "crap" and "dang it" I promise to never write it again :)

Swedish Eskimo, have fun running away. I hope you guys enjoy yourself in the Alps. And I'm too nice to say anything mean about your lack of interest in trying to help fix this stupid, stupid world :)

Finien, I don't know enough about the selling the ports thing to officially blog about it. I've just seen or heard blurbs on the net, in the news, and on the radio. On the positive side, I've heard that the United Arab Emirates are more "good guys," as far as Muslim countries go, that they've been anti-terrorists and pro-US and stuff like that, and that this is supposed to have something to do with building our alliance with them. But it still makes no sense for us to give control of our own ports to another country -- especially a Muslim country in the middle east. If I didn't go to school, work, and do track, I would read some Internet articles, the Post-Dispatch, USA Today, Newsweek, and Time, but I don't have enough of the latter. So I have no opinion at this point. But I will try to learn about it, and maybe on Sunday I can blog intelligently about it :)

Thank you, friends, for your consistent support. It means a lot. You guys rock!

Edmond the Hun

P.S. Aeropostalegirl, where've you been?


Anonymous said...

"crap" is not a swear-word, nor has it ever been so. it means exactly what it says: "things are poopy right now." dang it, i will admit, is a bad habit of mine, and is only better than d--n because of Societal views.

as for fixing Society, i ask what i am supposed to do with the limited power i have, and also how you can know me so little. (i.e. email me about this so i can explain myself)

Anonymous said...

Yes, crap means poopy, but then so does Sh*t, so there goes your crap theory. Crap just substitues sh*t like darn substitutes D--m. They all mean the same thing. But don't think I'm coming down on you, I say crap myself.
I mentioned the ports thing cuz I think it's ridiculous that America doesn't even own it's own ports anymore. We've outsourced everything.

Anonymous said...

just a small correction: it's d--n. not that it makes much of a difference. o, and i'm still here; just took a little vacation to the one, the only- HAWAII! haha what did i miss?
