Monday, January 09, 2006

The Art of Music

It'll be a day like this one, when the world caves in...

Just thought I'd take a quick post to comment on the wonderful powers of music. When life is at its confusingest, there's nothing like figuring out the piano chords to a Switchfoot song to get away and set one's mind at ease. I think playing the piano is for me what painting is for Finien.

Edmond the Hun


Anonymous said...

My friend, I think you're right, for oft have I but seen
a shade of blue Verdi's strings,
in Tomlin's strums a shout of green.

The music pours like mead and flows
Down through my soul, a hungring drink.
But see, the annotation glows,
with power, giving sight to think.

And long I find myself as lost
In paint or chord or petrarch song.
My Father often finds me there
And there I now belong.

joshua said...

beautiful! i should put it to music...