Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Supreme Court: Dems Dodge Doozy

It's just too bad. Just when Bush had the Dems where we wanted them, he goes and switches Roberts to be the chief justice, instead of replacing O'Connor. It looks like he's a smart guy and will get confirmed, blah blah blah. Except Roberts is only moderately conservative, replacing Rehnquist, who was extremely conservative. That means that under Bush's nomination we've already lost some conservative. And there's no way Bush is going to replace moderate O'Connor with a conservative to balance things out. No, by all appearances the court is going to become even more liberal, and Bush is the president who's nominating them!

It's not right! I don't get it! What is Bush thinking? Why can't we stop the Supreme Court from voting on conservative/liberal issues so it won't matter anyway! Isn't their something in the Declaration of Independence about when the government gets bad it's the right of the people to alter or abolish it? Why can't we just add a provision for ambigous court cases to go to Congress for legislation instead of a final one-time decision by nine people?

Edmond the Hun


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

that's not even a comment, it's a noise. argh.

well...i'm not so knowledgeable on court stuff, but fixing the ambiguous court case problem would be nice. Edmond, have you ever thought about taking over the radio and tv broadcasts for a day and forcing people to be informed? provided the technology wouldn't malfunction or something^^

Anonymous said...

of course "hmm" is a comment! who says comments can't be noises? hmm? "hmm" is a great word/noise, so great that it can be used to represent so many things (such as a question) depending on the tones. think of yoda. he says "HmmMM?", and it sounds funny, too. if an venerable figure such as yoda uses the noise, it must be good. and what is "argh"? hmm? sounds like a silly noise to me. kind or piratish. gutteral. negative. try saying "argh" with joy. I dare you.
-The Swedish Eskimo