Friday, August 12, 2005

Mother Loses 37 Pounds Eating McDonald's

Yes, it's true.

Many of you have probably heard about the documentary Super Size Me, where this guy ate nothing but McDonald's for a period of time and gained weight or something like that. Well, he was eating 5,000 calories a day, eating everything on the menu at least once.

This lady decided that McDonald's was being unfairly criticized, that the responsibility for obesity was shifting to the providers of the food and not the ones who actually eat it (smart woman).

So she ate at McDonald's three times a day for 90 days. She used their website to select meals that amounted to no more than 1,400 calories a day, eating mostly salads and burgers and hardly any french fries.

And she lost 37 pounds.

This woman is living proof that it's not McDonald's---or any other unhealthy fast food provider's---fault if you're fat and unhealthy. It's your own fault for eating the food. You have the power to know the nutritional information of the food you're eating, and you have the power to adjust your diet accordingly.

It's about time people started taking responsbility for their own actions and stopped blaming it on corporate giants who pay me $6 an hour to give you food so I can go buy gas that may soon cost me half an hour per gallon.

Edmond the Hun


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ugh, eating fast food 3 times a day is just disgusting. kudos to the lady for her willpower (and ability to reason). it does beg the question of what she was eating beforehand...

you and sam could write a song about your wages to accompany that other one ;) -Sanguine