Thursday, July 21, 2005

Inspiration and Adios!

I had a stroke of inspiration while working today. When there are no news stories worth commenting on, I will entertain you with horror stories, such as "When the Baseball Team Came

Through" and "The Life of a French Fry." But those stories will have to wait until August, because I'm going to Mexico on a mission trip. I will most likely be disconnected from the outside world for the entire time (especially if hurricanes keep forming). I shall update everything when I get back.

I leave on a positive note: I finally broke the seven minute mile! 6:55. That is slow. But it is also faster than a lot of people. I am happy. The next barrier will be 6:40.

Edmond the Hun

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol i await those stories with great anticipation. ;D congrats on your mile time!!!! :D *high 5s* it's way faster than me lol i'm the slow and steady type ;)