Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Hello Tuesday

It's been a week since I last blogged. I'm becoming quite the Renaissance man (or quite the too overworked and busy person, depending on your point of view. In the next week or two I will be attempting to again break the school triple jump record, finish the score for the school play Little Women, and get an A on a college credit history test made by a principal who has no time to be a teacher and only shows up to class 65.1% of the time (I'm keeping track).

So forgive me if my posts are sporadic, or if I don't update that new weekly sidebar this week. But I only have two faithful followers anyway (thanks a lot, guys!) and they're as busy as I am, so the world out there will probably keep running.

Edmond the Hun

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

was "Running" intended to be a pun? -Sanguine

great, so the 3 of us are academics obsessive heathens. ;)