Sunday, February 20, 2005

Politics: Hillary's Iraq

OK, I'm sorry, this is the conservative critc coming out in me, but I think I'm allowed---I haven't made fun of any liberals since Kerry tried to please both sides of everything last fall. So here goes...

The liberals are always accusing Bush of covering up the dirt of Iraq (which they call the "truth") and trying to present only the happy stuff (which somehow isn't the "truth"). In their defesne, I think the Bush administration has tried to make things look better than they are in Iraq, but you certainly can't make the case that the media hasn't tried to make things look worse than they are. So it almost balances out. The truth is, there are good and bad things happening over there.

Anyway, Hillary Clinton said... well, let me just quote the opening sentence of this article from the Associated Press: "As 55 people died in Iraq on Saturday, the holiest day on the Shiite Muslim religious calendar, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton said that much of Iraq was 'functioning quite well' and that the rash of suicide attacks was a sign that the insurgency of failing." What?? Let's even ignore the strange logic of that last phrase. If Bush had said that, the liberals would be jumping all over him, accusing him of trying to make the war look good and hiding the truth.

Maybe all politicans like to try to hide things. Maybe things are just going better in Iraq than the liberals want to admit. But whatever it is, liberals, don't accuse Bush of doing something when Hillary does the same thing! In my following post, I say that one thing I can't stand is irrationality. Well, there's two things. The second is a double standard, which is actually a special breed of irrationality.

Give Bush a break. Don't turn into mini-Kerrys.

Edmond the Hun

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