Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Hello Tuesday

Well, there's not much new to talk about. Kerry is still blaming Bush for the vaccine shortage. Just like Kerry blames Bush for the Iraq war, Kerry blames Bush for Afghanistan's opium production, Kerry blames Bush for everything wrong in America even though the president is not the king. What's next, "Kerry blames Bush for bad weather"? I wouldn't be surprised...

Those Astros are being mighty feisty. The Cards will have to win both games at home to get to the World Series. As for the Yankess and Red Sox, no team has ever come back from a 3-0 deficit, but the Red Sox have pulled it to 3-2 and they're hungry, but they'll have to win both of the remaining games in New York to make it.

Wouldn't it be funny, though, if the underdogs pulled it out and it was Houston vs. Boston? Especially because the World Series is like a week before the elections, and Bush is from Texas, and Kerry is from Massachusetts? Interesting.

Edmond the Hun

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